XlsToOra v1.4.1.22 英文正式版(將Excel數據導入Oracle表中時軟體) 破解說明:
關掉主程式,破解檔放置於crack夾內,請將破解檔複製於主程式的安裝目錄內既可破解 內容說明:
的達到你的目的。 英文說明:
XlsToOra is a data conversion tool that helps DBA
and database programmer import Excel data to
Oracle database.
Convenient, powerful
* Easy visually config, just click on the mouse.
* Saving and loading session parameters.
* Displaying Progress, time estimation.
* Import preview and seeing results immediately.
* Unicode support.
* Doesn't require Oracle client software. 相關商品: