Hide Files and Folders v3.1 英文正式版(系統核心級的管理文件和文件夾訪問的軟體)
Hide Files & Folders is a great easy-to-use password-protected security utility
working at
Windows kernel level you can use to password-protect certain files and folders,
or to hide them securely from viewing and searching just with a click of mouse.
Upon accessing any protected file or folder, dialog box querying password appears
on the screen.
If a valid password has been entered, user gets instant access to the file or
folder, otherwise not.
Hide Files and Folders does not modify your media: in protecting your files or
folders, it just uses a high-reliability VXD driver working at Windows kernel
This guarantees that Hide Files and Folders will never lose your data,
as may happen if you use other file- and folder-protecting software.
Due to unique technology, the program also lets you protect system files and
folders such as the Windows System, Registry and Swap files.
Softstack Hide Files and Folders v2.9 英文正式版(系統核心級的管理文件和文件夾訪問的軟體)
BlackKnight Hide Worksheets v2.0.3 英文正式版(顯示和隱藏特定的excel表格軟體)
BrigSoft Alive Folders v1.2 英文正式版(文件同步軟體)
Outlook Export To Multiple PDF Files Software v7.0 英文正式版(Outlook電子郵件轉檔成PDF文件軟體)
Sobolsoft Create Multiple Folders v7.0 英文正式版(多文件夾創建工具軟體)
Excel Convert Files From English To Filipino and Filipino To English v7.0 英文正式版(Excel轉換軟體)
Sobolsoft PDF Change Title Subject Author Keywords Dates In Multiple Files v7.0 英文正式版(針對 PDF 的工具軟體)